Fri 6 Dec
- Fri 6 Dec

Space Seminar · SPC-I: A new nonlinear ultrasonic technique for nondestructive evaluation

The seminar "SPC-I: A new nonlinear ultrasonic technique for nondestructive evaluation" will be conducted by prof. Tribikram Kundu from the University of Arizona.

This seminar will cover the research carried out by the speaker in this decade on nonlinear ultrasonic techniques for non-destructive testing and structural health monitoring. In particular, it will focus on the nonlinear ultrasonic method called Sideband Peak Count–Index (or SPC-I) technique developed by the speaker in collaboration with his colleagues for monitoring damages at various stages – from microscopic dislocations and fatigue cracks to large scale cracks in metals, composites and concrete structures. Many of the shortcomings associated with the traditional nonlinear ultrasonic techniques such as higher harmonic generation, frequency modulation or wave modulation spectroscopy, and nonlinear impact resonant acoustic spectroscopy can be avoided in the proposed SPC-I technique.

  • 6/12/2024
  • 11:00 AM
  • Link to the meeting (MsTeams) – no registration needed, just join: here