Wed 20 Nov
- Sun 24 Nov
 ESA ESEC site in Redu, Belgium (Place de l'ESA, 1, 6890, Libin)

Join the Belgium edition of the 8th CASSINI Hackathon : EU Space for Defence & Security!

Join the Belgium edition of the 8th CASSINI Hackathon : EU Space for Defence & Security!

The CASSINI Hackathons and Mentoring Programme gives a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the European Space and Defence sector, connect with like-minded individuals and organisations, and use your knowledge and skills to solve current Space and Defence challenges together as a team!

The theme for this 8th edition is “EU Space for Defence and Security“.

You will spend two days with various mentors and professionals from the sector to ignite innovation with 3 challenges defined by DG DEFIS and EUSPA as a starting point. You will be challenged to use European Space Technologies to strengthen Europe’s defence and security capabilities by leveraging all available European space data, information, and signals from Copernicus, Galileo, or exploiting possible future services to be provided by IRIS2.

  • Challenge 1 – Enhancing Defence & Security with Geospatial Intelligence
  • Challenge 2 – Unmanned Drone Applications for Defence & Security Operations
  • Challenge 3 – Orbital security: Navigating the collision frontier.

Together with our experts and mentors from the MoD, the industry, and in collaboration with the European Space Agency, you will ideate and develop a project to maybe win one of the prices and the chance to compete the EU final with the other 10 countries winners!

WHO?  Belgian and EU citizens defence and space enthusiast, start-ups, policy people, software, and hardware engineers, UX designers, students from relevant universities and university colleges.

WHEN? 22 – 24 November 2024.

WHERE? ESA ESEC site in Redu, Belgium (Place de l’ESA, 1, 6890, Libin)

Places onsite are limited but the event will also be held online. Registrations are open!


Want more information?  Check out our website:  https://www.cassini.eu/hackathons/belgium

Want to register? Follow the procedure via this link: https://taikai.network/cassinihackathons/hackathons/euspace-defence-security.

Have any question? You can contact the organisers:  8th.cassini.belgium@soprasteria.com