UNIVERSEH Summer School 2023 in Düsseldorf
Who can participate?
Open to all study levels and disciplines. No pre-knowledge necessary.
Where does the Summer School take place?
One week in Düsseldorf (19. – 23. June 2023 and funded by Erasmus+) followed by a two-week online and asynchronous project.
Application deadline: April 30th 2023
Why should you participate?
- Enrich your interdisciplinary skillset and broaden your knowledge in engaging workshops
- Meet other students and experts from across Europe
- Develop a broader understanding of different cultures and ways of thinking
- Get insight into the connection between Space & Humanities
- Study in the heart of Europe
- Become part of a unique and diverse Space Crew
Preliminary Programme
- Space for Diversity
- Space & Movies
- Space & Literature
- German Aereospace Center (DLR) & Deutsches Museum Bonn
- Space & Art
…intercultural seminar and many more activities. Final programme coming soon.
To apply please contact your local UNIVERSEH mobility coordinator:
AGH University of Science and Technology:
Luleå University of Technology
University of Luxembourg
Université Toulouse
- UT2: universeh@univ-tlse2.fr
- TBS Education: international.tbs@tbs-education.fr
- Toulouse INP: international@toulouse-inp.fr
- ISAE-SupAero: international@isae-supaero.fr