Three days in Namur to discuss about the progress and the future of the project
General Meetings are held twice a year, in rotation, on the campuses of the Alliance’s partner universities. In November, the University of Namur had the pleasure of hosting one of the 2024 General Meeting.
The main aim of the General Meeting is to bring together all the partners and people involved in the project to discuss the progress and difficulties of the project, but also to build strong, supportive teams and encourage team spirit.
In addition to work meetings and themed workshops, participants-had the opportunity to take part in a few group discussions.
Conferences on space-related topics
Participants were able to take part in two conferences to explore space-related themes in greater depth.
‘Space is a Cultural Construct: Outer Space and the Humanities in the Second Space Age’, by Jens Temmen, Assistant Professor at the Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf. The speaker was able to exchange views with André Füzfa, Professor and astrophysicist at the University of Namur, and with the audience on the importance of the role of the humanities in space exploration.
‘The formation of Venus‘ crustal plateaus: Was liquid water on the surface required?’, by Max Collinet, lecturer at the University of Namur. The speaker was able to exchange views with Eric Tschirhart, Professor at the University of Luxembourg, on the geology of the planet Venus.
Networking event at the Theater of Namur
Thanks to the partnership between the University of Namur and the Theater of Namur, participants were able to enjoy a whole evening in the theatre’s exceptional venue.
During the evening, a number of inspiring contributions from members of the project were presented.
Participants were able to hear from Annick Castiaux, Rector of the University of Namur, and Michael Toplis, President of the University of Toulouse, on the progress of the project and the challenges facing the Alliance in the years ahead.
The President of the UNIVERSEH Student Council, Ariana Sobhani, then took the floor to present some of the student initiatives carried out over the past year, but also, and above all, to outline the strategies and challenges of student involvement in the project.
Finally, Pascal Maussion, coordinator of Beyond UNIVERSEH, the project on the research and innovation dimensions of UNIVERSEH, reported on the results and lessons learned from this 3-year project, which ended at the end of summer 2024.
The evening was punctuated by musical interludes from the “Orchestre Symphonique de Namur”, which has been recognised as the orchestra of the University of Namur since 2015.
Judith De Faux (Visual Garden) produced graphic recordings, visual translations, of the presentations to illustrate what the speakers had to say.
Discovering Namur and its heritage
Several cultural activities were offered to participants to discover Namur and its heritage, thanks to a collaboration with the City of Namur. Students and members of the 7 universities were able to explore Namur’s historic centre on a guided tour. They wandered through the narrow streets of Namur, and were charmed by the city’s exceptional architectural heritage.
The participants were also able to visit UNamur’s Antoine Thomas Observatory and discover this marvellous and attractive teaching tool for future students.
Read the news in French on UNamur’s website