
Research Policy Council

The Research policy council is responsible for overseeing all research and innovation activities of Beyond UNIVERSEH. It collaborates with the Advisory Board of UNIVERSEH and Beyond UNIVERSEH on technology transfer and innovation aspects of the project European Space University for Earth and Humanity. It is composed of 5 deans or vice-rectors for research of each partner university and two students representing the master and PhD levels.

It meets twice a year.

Prof. Pascal Maussion

Prof. Eric Tschirhart

Prof. Stefan Marschall

Prof. Thomas Kuhn

Prof. Wiesław Staszewski

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee of Beyond UNIVERSEH is composed of one representative from each university, one person for each work package leader team, etc. It meets twice a year. In addition, a physical meeting is organised once a year jointly with the Advisory Board.

Prof. Pascal Maussion

Prof. Eric Tschirhart

Dr. Eva Sladek

Prof. Thomas Kuhn

Prof. Tadeusz Uhl


Courses 2024-2025
Beyond UNIVERSEH has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101035795.