Courses 2024-2025
Stratospheric Balloons: an initiation project
This is a project-based course in which students run a regular high-altitude balloon program going through an entire cycle of a space mission. They start by analyzing previous stratospheric balloon missions developed by students. Then in small specialized teams they tackle the various aspects of a space mission: mechanical, thermal, electric architecture; attitude control and navigation (passive), power generation and management, on-board data handling, data telemetry, payload operation and data acquisition, as well as project management. After having chosen one or several science objectives, the students design, build and test (including vacuum and cryogenics) their payload to study the atmosphere or to test a new technology in space. By the end of the first semester, the balloon payload is then launched from Aire-sur-l’Adour in collaboration with the balloon division of CNES (and/or in Kiruna with SNSA).
The main goal of this course is to create an environment in which students can plan and perform a balloon project mission with a scientific payload and critically select and evaluate relevant scientific and technical information within the subject. After completing the course, the students will be able to define primary and secondary objectives for their mission by writing detailed specifications and an efficient working flow package. Students will be also able to analyze and propose future improvements and developments and identify further knowledge needs and take responsibility for self- knowledge progress. Students will also have experience of writing proposals to the French Space Agency (CNES), and/or Swedish Space Agency SNSA.
Dates of the course
23-27 September 2024 to 24-28 March 2025
- Victoria Barabash
- Rene Laufer
- Hassan Sabbah
Universities involved
Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III (UT3) – University of Toulouse
Luleå University of Technology
Profile and prerequisites
Master’s level
Students with scientific and engineering profiles
The candidates need to have 180 ECTS, English level B2
Teaching language(s)
Teaching modalities
Combined (on-campus + online) with regularly scheduled times
Student mobility
It is not mandatory but ideal students can come to Toulouse the last two weeks of March for the test and launch.
Organisation of student evaluation
50% Intermediate report, oral presentation and joint review meeting (January 2024)
50% Launch reports per balloon a brief one after the launch day and a complete one for end of April 2024
The course is open to students from these universities
Open to all
How to apply
Send your CV and a letter of motivation to contact info. An interview may be requested if deemed necessary.
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Introduction to Space Medicine
This introduction to Spatial Medicine is designed for non-specialists and will offer an introduction to the space environment. It will subsequently provide an insight on space physiology and medicine, considering the impact of space flights on health and the associated adaptations and modifications of the human body (metabolism, bone and muscles, sleep, cells and molecules…). It will also give an overview of the different types of risks for health existing in Space environments and on possible solutions to monitor and solve a health problem during space flights (use of medication, oral biology…). The different models for ground simulation of spaceflight effects will also be presented. Finally, it will help students to better understand the link between Space, Medicine technology and cognitive sciences. Thanks to an introduction to space applications for health on Earth, the students will be involved in practical cases on how to collect health data in spaceflights and simulation experiments.
The course level and contents will be adapted according to the existing programmes in which it will be integrated (most probably Bachelor last year/Master 1 level) but a scientific background is needed. The idea is to offer this introductory course to future engineers or entrepreneurs who will work on space applications linked to Health and Medicine and who will need a global overview combining basic knowledge of medicine and of the major issues/challenges regarding Health and Space.
Dates of the course
March 2025 to May 2025 – Exact date to be announced.
- Vsevolod Peysakhovich
- Anne Pavy-Le Traon
- Florent Destruhaut
- Safouane Hamdi
- Sara Laurencin
- Laure Boyer
- Claire Laurens
- Veronica Pereda-Loth
- Mateusz Daniol
- Jessica Körning-Ljungberg
Universities involved
- Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III (UT3) – University of Toulouse /MEDES – Institute for Space Medicine and Physiology ISAE-SUPAERO
- AGH University of Science and Technology
- Luleå University of Technology
Profile and prerequisites
- Bachelor’s (year 3) or Master’s level
- Technological background: students with scientific and/or engineering profiles with a specific interest in health and medicine.
- English level B2.
Teaching language(s)
Teaching modalities
On-campus OR online asynchronous (learning resources are designed to be accessed at any time) – online synchronous (meets at scheduled times via Zoom)
Student mobility
Not obligatory, could be discussed if requested
Organisation of student evaluation
MCQ (75%)
Practical (25%)
Contact information
The course is open to students from these universities
Other universities: If requested. Any request must be addressed via the UNIVERSEH representative of the partner.
How to apply
Send a small “mail of motivation” to contact info.
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Cubesat platform: an introduction
The project is an introduction to the management of the satellite platform in terms of communication, electronics (digital and analog), power management, thermal management). It is based on the use of realistic, low-cost models of 2U cubesats, including all the functions of the nanosatellite, including:
- On Board Computer, CPU
- Communication cards
- RF frontend card
- Power management cards
- Sensors
- Inertial unit
- Payload cards (camera)
- Solar panels
Dates of the course
February 2025 to April 2025
- Gaëtan Prigent
- Oliver Bernal
- Anne-Laure Franc
Universities involved
Toulouse INP – University of Toulouse
Profile and prerequisites
- Master’s level
- Automation
- Matlab Simulink
- English level B2
Teaching language(s)
French and English
Teaching modalities
On-campus + online synchrounous (meets at scheduled times via Zoom)
Student mobility
Not required
Organisation of student evaluation
Project-based assessment: video clip, peer-review
The course is open to students from these universities
Course open for UT and LTU students
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Satellite Communications: regulation and Business
Nowadays, with the emergence of new space technology, to stay competitive in the space industry, students need to develop an expertise and knowledge in the fields of business and law. This interdisciplinary course will combine technical with law and business aspects of satellite communication systems. Students will submerge themselves into an interdisciplinary work environment and collaborate with other students from either a law or technical background. They will work together to solve problems in teams, which is also an asset from the societal point of view.
For the technically educated students, the courses are eye-opening in presenting the regulatory and business aspects of space activities. For the law students, the exchange with the technically trained students is enriching as they will cooperate with technical experts in the practice and must at least understand the problems which they are expected to solve. For both groups, the business aspect of satellite communications systems will be new and enlarge their competences. The interdisciplinarity of the course is a simulation of situations in a real employment world.
Our goal is to build the bridges between the different fields to reach a common goal and break the silos of traditional work environments.
Dates of the course
25 September 2024 to 16 December 2024
- Mahulena Hofmann
- Marie-Laure Boucheret
Universities involved
University of Luxembourg
Toulouse INP – ENSEEIHT – University of Toulouse
Profile and prerequisites
Master’s level
Candidates will have to postulate for acceptance.
Teaching language(s)
Teaching modalities
Online synchronous (meets at scheduled times via WebEx Teams)
Online asynchronous (learning resources are designed to be accessed at any time)
Student mobility
Organisation of student evaluation
Project-based assessement: Presentation on business proposal
Contact information
The course is open to students from these universities
The course is available online to all students without travel requirements
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
History of astronomy
This is a project-base course in which students put themselves in the position of ancient astronomers and try to develop their own mathematical models in order to predict the position of one of the five planets that can be observed with the naked eye.
The main goal of the course is for students to experiment the scientific method: confronting tough questions, making small but incremental progress and taking advantage of feedback.
The historical field will be the students’ playground. The first courses will explain some of the ancients findings on mathematical astronomy such as the neo-babylonians’ zig-zag functions and Ptolemy’s geometrical models. Then students will choose one planet, one location, and one period of time and will produce their own models and confront them to the real motions of the planet using the Stellarium software.
The range of the historical discussion will go from the middle of the third millennium BP to Einstein’s breakthrough in the early twentieth century: the questions of the ancient astronomers may be seen as natural ones, their answers may be seen as cultural ones, but what is really at stake in this course is about the search for understanding what might not be understood and the long term process of mankind trying to figure it out.
Dates of the course
18 September 2024 to 18 December 2024
- Guillaume Loizelet
- Hamam Mokayed
Universities involved
Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III (UT3) – University of Toulouse
Luleå University of Technology
Profile and prerequisites
- Bachelor’s or Master’s level
- Course open to all interested students, as long as you are not afraid of basic mathematical considerations
- English level B2
Teaching language(s)
Teaching modalities
On-campus OR Fully online: – Synchronous lectures and support sessions conducted via Zoom.
Asynchronous learning resources available for access at any time. Some online meetings between on-campus students and online students will also be organized.
Student mobility
Optional (in December)
Organisation of student evaluation
Project-based assessment: written report (45%) + oral defence (30%) + short assessments by LTU (25%)
Contact information
The course is open to students from these universities
The course is available online to all students without travel requirements.
How to apply
Send your CV and a letter of motivation to An interview may be requested if deemed necessary.
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Medical engineering for Space and Earth
It’s hard to imagine long-lasting manned space missions without personalized healthcare provided onboard, and it is hard to imagine modern space healthcare without engineering and technology. In this course students will get an overview of current trends and challenges in medical technology for space. The course focuses on the technologies which are currently in use and on technologies which might make long-term space-flights possible in the near future. All the aspects are presented both in a general and a specific manner through several practical scenarios.
Dates of the course
1 October 2024 to 20 February 2025
- Mateusz Danioł
- Florent Destruhaut
- Safouane Hamdi
- Josef Kozak
- Agneta Larsson
- Jessica Ljungberg
- Pia Elbe (tbc)
- Anne Pavy-Le Traon
- Laure Boyer
Universities involved
- AGH University of Science and Technology
- Luleå University of Technology
- Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III (UT3) – University of Toulouse
- Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Profile and prerequisites
- Bachelor’s (year 3) or Master’s level
- Technological background: students with scientific (particularly computer science, electronics or material engineering) and/or medical profiles (students will need interest and some previous experience in physics and instrumentation) and students with business-oriented professional projects (students will also need interest and experience in the relevant technological areas, as earlier description) will be considered to join the course.
- English level B2
Teaching language(s)
Teaching modalities
- All the course can be taken asynchrounously.
- There will be synchronous lectures (Zoom) probably Wednesday 17.00 – 18.30 but these lecture will also be recorded and available at other times. All other activities are asynchronous (via Moodle). Interaction time with the teaching staff will be available according to your timetable. If possible students will be organised into interdisciplinary teams.
Student mobility
Not requiered
Organisation of student evaluation
Online assignments and projects
The course is open to students from these universities
The course is available online to all students from partner universities without travel requirements
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Elastic metamaterials and actuators for space applications
Mechatronic space structures require particular solutions in terms of their efficiency, robustness and precision for equipment which is required to operate for several decades without maintenance. In this context the piezoelectric technology associated with particular material properties can bring multidomain solutions for actuation, mechanical insulation, or energy harvesting. New opportunities in terms of dynamical mechanical response are brought by elastic metamaterials.
Metamaterials are a new class of materials that exhibit extraordinary properties. In the context of dynamics, they can display negative effective mass and/or stiffness, extending the classical design space of engineering materials. Therefore, they can be very attractive for designing high-performance multipurpose devices.
In this course students will learn about applications of elastic metamaterials for various mechatronic space devices, in particular energy harvesters, actuators, sensors and electro-mechanical transformers; and how metamaterials can be designed and used for substantially improving dynamic properties of these systems. students will have an opportunity to design a device – from theoretical principles to simulations – prototyping it and performing its physical electro-mechanical testing.
The course is composed of 8 classes in which we present the necessary theoretical and practical background, followed by a 4-class students’ project oriented on designing, assembling and testing a prototypical device. Finally, students are involved in an industry-level project supported and supervised by top-class experts from the space sector.
Dates of the course
27 September 2024 to December 2024 (Exact date to be announced)
- Pawel Packo
- François Pigache
Universities involved
AGH University of Science and Technology Toulouse INP – ENSEEIHT – University of Toulouse
Profile and prerequisites
- Master’s level (year 2), specialisation in mechanics, mechatronics, advanced mechatronics.
- English level B2
Teaching language(s)
Teaching modalities
On-campus + online synchronous (meets at scheduled times via Zoom)
Student mobility
Not planned but possible
Organisation of student evaluation
Contact information
The course is open to students from these universities
Course open for AGH and INP students
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Monitoring and economic control of climate change
Following this, the economical dimension will be addressed and this course will focus essentially on two aspects. The first aspect addressed is the risk management of weather-sensitive activities and the second part will focus on the understanding of the economic aspects of climate change.
The final target is to give students the capacity to understand climate issues, to understand and assess the associated public policies and to take appropriate decisions in their personal and professional activities.
To address these questions, this course consists of lectures given by experts of ENM, Lulea University and Toulouse Business School, active learning and personal projects requiring an answer by students to a problem elaborated by an expert of socio-economic activities.
Dates of the course
October 2024 to January 2025 – Exact date to be announced
- Olivier Pannekoucke
- Laurent Borrel
- Gilles Lafforgue
- Mathias Milz
Universities involved
Toulouse INP – ENSEEIHT / ENM – University of Toulouse
TBS Education – University of Toulouse
Luleå University of Technology
Profile and prerequisites
Master level 1
English level B2
Teaching language(s)
Teaching modalities
The course is available online
Student mobility
Not required
Organisation of student evaluation
Contact information
The course is open to students from these universities
The course is available online to all students without travel requirements
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Space Innovation, Business & Law
In a fast-growing space environment, there is a crucial need to cross-combine skills and expertise to speed up space project development, be it in terms of technical/technological, business or legal acumen. Time has come to interact and work in a collaborative and comprehensive way and from the outset between all key stakeholders.
This course aims at providing to the participants, whatever their educational or cultural background, not only a “common language” but also an efficient working culture combining technical, legal and business dimensions, enabling them to work more efficiently on the design and development of space-related projects, with a shared mindset.
A key feature of the course is the blend of students of different backgrounds, combined with eye-opening course material; with this configuration, interdisciplinarity is total. The subjects treated will focus on giving the students the opportunity to engage in both the entrepreneurial challenges associated with innovation and start-up marketing; as well as the legal and business issues associated with space economy and intellectual property.
Dates of the course
October 2024 to April 2025 – Exact date to be announced
- Christophe BENAROYA
- Emmanuel ZENOU
Universities involved
University of Luxembourg
TBS Education University of Toulouse
Profile and prerequisites
- Course open to all interested students as soon as you demonstrate a documented interest in the field
- English level B2
Teaching language(s)
Teaching modalities
Blended: combination of all.
Student mobility
Optional mobility in Luxembourg for the SpaceHack
Organisation of student evaluation
Contact information
The course is open to students from these universities
The course is available online to all students without travel requirements
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
English C1: Terms and Concepts of Space
This is a multidisciplinary course. Students will explore the world of Space, while improving their professional English for their future studies and employment opportunities. Participants will also understand terminologies and concepts for fields relevant to the space sector as part of the UNIVERSEH programme (e.g. “space, earth, natural sciences, medicine, humanities”) and contribute to the development of an illustrated Dictionary of Space Concepts that we are developing in cooperation with the Computer Linguistics Dept. There will be many opportunities to practice different text styles, such as interviewing, biographical notes, reports, and reflection writing. As an online course, digital media are endemic to the classroom environment, and the synchronous meetings will be supplemented with asynchronous tasks that will help students prepare for class and apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills. Continuous cooperation, peer review, video creation, and illustrations for the DSC, will result in a tangible product at the end of the term.
Dates of the course
From October 08 2024 to January 28 2025
- Anna Krukiewicz-Gacek
- Senay Akar-Ben Bey
Universities involved
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
AGH University of Science and Technology
Profile and prerequisites
The course is open to all interested students.
English level B2
Teaching language(s)
Teaching modalities
Online. You will need to be available on Tuesdays from 14.30 to 16.30.
Student mobility
Not required
Organisation of student evaluation
Dictionary entries, self-reflection essay, possibly elevator pitch
Contact information
The course is open to students from these universities
The course is available online to all students without travel requirements
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Machine learning in robotics and edge devices for space exploration
- Maciej Wielgosz
- Marcus Liwicki
- Hamam Mokayed
- Andrzej Skoczeń
The course provides a wide insight into neural network (NN) algorithms and their hardware implementation. The development of NN applications is typically carried out using GPUs and requires a long calculation time. The course gives participants the ability to accelerate and shorten inferring latency using dedicated hardware with limited resources. Although this idea can be adopted in many different applications from many disciplines, the course demonstrates practical examples from space-related research projects. The main goal is to motivate, illustrate, and experience the impact of Machine Language (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the space sector.
Besides the emphasis on creating practical design on the available hardware platforms, the course presents a survey of commercially available (and recently introduced by leading manufacturers) systems for hardware implementation of neural algorithms. A survey of dedicated processors with neural architectures currently being developed is also covered.
Another fascinating subject in the course concerns emerging technologies dedicated to future hardware neuromorphic systems currently in the R&D stage.
The huge innovation potential of ML is strongly emphasised during the course. Practical examples of innovative projects are presented to illustrate the impact of ML and AI in business activity.
Profile and prerequisites
The course is open to engineering-level students from fields of study: Computer Science, Electronics, Telecommunications, Physics.
There are some requirements for students who apply to this course:
- Experience in programming languages (python, C, Java).
- Introductory skills in embedded systems (microcontrollers)
- Willing to work with hardware,
- Interest in neural networks and machine learning.
Dates of the course
30 October 2023 to 8 January 2024
Teaching modalities
On-campus and online
Contact information
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Arctic Winter School
Arctic Winter School is an introductory course for students from different academic fields and from all UniversEH partner universities that gives insight into the interdisciplinary fields of Arctic space, environment and culture:
- Environment and society in the changing Arctic. The Arctic Five collaboration.
- Polar atmosphere and its significance for solar-terrestrial interactions, space weather.
- Auroral physics and observations.
- Optical phenomena in the polar regions.
- Snow and ice in different perspectives.
- Arctic climate systems and climate change.
- Nano satellites and balloons for polar research.
- Product innovation for Arctic space.
- Terminology for New Space and polar research, linguistic aspect of intercultural communication.
- Survival in the cold environment.
The 1st week of the School is taking place at Luleå University of Technology, Kiruna Space Campus and includes lectures and workshops. During the week in Kiruna there will be study visits to Esrange Space Center, the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) and EISCAT Scientific Association. The week will also include study visits to Abisko Scientific Research Station, LKAB iron ore mine, ICEHOTEL in Jukkasjärvi. There will be both cultural and social activities.
The learning outcomes are assessed through assignments, workshops and project.
Dates of the course
3 to 7 March 2025
- Victoria Barabash
- AnnaCarin Larsson
- Anna Krukiewicz-Gacek
- Dag Avango
- Mathias Milz
- Thomas Kuhn
- Rene Laufer
- Peter Törlind
- Josiane Mothe
- Nina Lintzen
Universities involved
Luleå University of Technology
AGH University of Science and Technology
University of Toulouse
Profile and prerequisites
Bachelor’s (all years) or Master’s level
In order to meet the general entry requirements for first cycle studies you must have successfully completed upper secondary education and have documented skills in English language. Exemption for Swedish A and B / Swedish 1-3. and ,exemption for Swedish A and B / Swedish 1-3. University studies of at least 7,5 hp.
Teaching language(s)
Teaching modalities
on-campus + online asynchronous (learning resources are designed to be accessed at any time) + online synchronous (scheduled meetings via Zoom) Online learning will take place before and after this period, with asynchronous resources and optional tasks available.
Student mobility
Students mobility in February-March 2025, in Kiruna, exact dates to be determined.
Organisation of student evaluation
Workshops, field practicals, project in Space for a Sustainable Arctic
Contact information
The course is open to students from these universities
Open to students who can make a short mobility for the period of February TBC – March TBC
How to apply
The students apply at their home universities. Nominations are sent to LTU for further registration.
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Critical Outer Space Studies
The seminar “Colonialism, Imperialism, Fascism – The Legacies and Futures of Modern Space Exploration” is part of the regular course “Critical Outer Space Studies”, which is dedicated to the critical and particularly humanities-based examination of space exploration. The aim of the course in the winter semester 2024/2025 is the critical transfer of knowledge about the historical contexts and contemporary continuities of colonial, imperialist and fascist discourses in the context of modern space exploration.
In addition to a structured introduction and critical discussion of colonial, imperial and fascist discourses of expansion and conquest, and their influence on modern space exploration, the course offers students a unique combination of research-based teaching, science communication and collaboration with practice-oriented partners. In addition to acquiring in-depth background knowledge on the above-mentioned topics, the focus of the course is on collaboration with the practice partner involved in the teaching project, Lewis Bush.
Lewis Bush is a British photographer, author, artist and media scholar with a wealth of experience in exhibition work and curation. In addition to his direct involvement in the seminar, his work around his photo book Depravity’s Rainbow will take center stage. The photo book is a photographic journey through the early and contradictory history of modern space travel in the fascist German Reich (V2 program) and in its technological reincarnation, NASA’s Apollo program. The volume is centering around the life story of Wernher von Braun, who famously embodies the link between both places and both space programs, and connects this life story with archive footage of the US space program, but also with contemporary photographs (taken by Lewis Bush) of the places in Germany where rocket technology took its first decisive steps during the Second World War. The photographs of these partly forgotten places make it clear that, although vaguely known in general, the fascist roots of modern space research – especially in the course of its current revival by the private space industry – are widely underestimated and often invisible. Wernher von Braun himself embodies in particular that space exploration, which is often seen as the spearhead of human civilizational and technological achievement, is deeply rooted in militaristic and expansionist ambitions.
The students participating in the seminar will be directly involved in the conception of a planned photo exhibition based on the photo book Depravity’s Rainbow in collaboration with our external partner Lewis Bush, which will take place at the Haus der Universität in Düsseldorf in April 2025 as part of the Night of Museums (Nacht der Museen). The seminar thus offers students a unique insight into various exhibition techniques, practical experience in the creation of accompanying texts and materials for public events, as well as the opportunity to prepare and present the teaching and learning content of the seminar to a broad public.
Dates of the course
10 October 2024 to 16 December 2024
- Claire Cazajous-Augé
- Jens Temmen
Universities involved
Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Profile and prerequisites
Master’s level
English level B2
Teaching language(s)
Teaching modalities
Online synchronous sessions via Zoom are scheduled Monday morning from 10:30 to 12:00.
Student mobility
One-week mobility to attend a workshop in Düsseldorf in November 2024.
Organisation of student evaluation
Essay to be handed in at the end of the term
The course is open to students from these universities
Open to students who can make a one week mobility in November
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Summer School
- Tadeusz Uhl (AGH)
- Victoria Barabash (LTU)
- Anna Krukiewicz-Gacek (AGH)
- Jakub Ciążela (PIG PAN)
- Karol Seweryn (CBK PAN)
- Tomasz Buratowski (AGH)
- Miguel Mendez (Uni Lu)
- Claudia Boers (HHU)
The main objective of the course is to allow students to acquire knowledge about space resources and mining and create opportunities to gain practical experiences, which will help students understand different aspects of space resources exploration against the background of Earth resources exploration.
Lectures will introduce students to different aspects of space exploration, such as geology, sustainable development, and robotics. Students will learn about the geology of various terrestrial bodies and challenges of space exploration. They will also learn about preparing and testing robots used in space missions. Lab visits will focus on robot driving systems and students will have opportunity to observe and learn how robots realise their movement.
To allow students to see the connections between space geology and space resource exploration, Earth geology and traditional mining, students will take part in educational field trips. The educational trip to the Wieliczka Salt Mine (a UNESCO World Heritage site) is a unique opportunity to see first-hand how the mining industry looked like centuries ago and what it meant to be a miner.
The educational trip to the Racławka Valley and Dubie dolomite mine will help students understand the geological history of planet Earth and learn about different types of rocks and how they were formed. The interactive class in Geological Museum of AGH will be an opportunity to learn about various geological formations from all over the world.
The laboratory classes for the School participants will be conducted by students from the AGH space technology research clubs. Students from Space Team AGH will teach students on lunar transportation systems development. Students from Space Systems AGH will share their insights into the development of Mars and Moon Rovers.
The school will also be an opportunity to practise communication and collaboration skills in multi-national and multi-lingual teams, improve foreign language skills, and brainstorm and reflect on the hard and soft skills of entry-level employees in the space sector. Students will be encouraged to share and reflect on their experiences of inter-cultural communication and experiences of Krakow and places they will have an opportunity to visit. Krakow. the former capital of Poland, offers unique opportunities to observe and experience shared European history and traditions in the form of architecture, culture and cuisine.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through assignments, workshops and project.
Profile and prerequisites
Students from all fields of study. The candidates are expected to have some background knowledge (secondary school level) of mathematics and physics. Ideal candidates are students interested in learning about the topics of geology, automatics, robotics, and space exploration and improving their soft skills. English level B2 or higher.
Dates of the course
May – June 2024 (exact dates to be announced)
Student mobility
May 2024 Kraków, exact dates to be announced
Teaching modalities
On campus + online before and after the school, asynchronous learning resources and optional tasks.
Contact information
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Let’s talk über l´espace – Trilingual Online Course: French, English and German
Dates of the course
10 October 2024 to 31 January 2025
- Senay Akar-Ben Bey
- Laetitia Collin
- Dariusz Kaluza
Profile and prerequisites
English level B2 (finished), German and French level A2 (finished)
Teaching language(s)
English, German, French
Teaching modalities
Online asynchronous (6 sessions)
Online synchronous (12 sessions) on Thursdays from 8.00 to 9.30
Student mobility
Organisation of student evaluation
Portfolio that will be worked on from beginning until the end.
The course is open to students from these universities
Open to all
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Spring school in Belgium: Space is all around. An Introduction to Space Sciences.
We propose the students to discover several aspects of the space sector, from engineering and science to humanities, during a Spring School at Euro Space Center and ESA-ESEC (European Space Security and Education Centre), Belgium. The school is oriented towards a large audience, gathering STEM or non-STEM students, to allow them to discover some of the many faces of the space sector. The Spring School will be given in English. For external students that are not following the astronomy lecture (SMAT B213), preliminary online events will be provided for settling the context and some basic scientific knowledge about space. The Spring School will include plenary general conferences on various topics (space law, medicine, rocketry, satellite operations, cybersecurity, etc.), team-building activities inspired by astronaut training at the Euro Space Center (the only space-themed park in Europe), visits of the ESA Academy facilities and ESEC-Redu station, a cosmicathon (team-based challenge around space mission design), planetarium and stargazing sessions, etc.
Dates of the course
21 April 2025 to 27 April 2025
Teachers & Speakers
- André Füzfa (University of Namur) : Basics of astrodynamics
- Loredana Santo (University of Rome – Tor Vergata) : Smart materials for space applications, space sustainability
- Mahulena Hofmann (University of Luxembourg) : Space Law
- Jacques Arnould (CNES) Ethics for a Better Mankind in Space
- Alain De Neve (Defence Analyst at Belgian Royal Military Academy): Space Defense
- Marc Toussaint (ESA/EPFL): Launchers & Rockets
- Christophe Bénaroya (Toulouse Business School) : New Space and aerospace management
- Fabienne Delhaise (ESA) : Ground Segment of Space Missions
- Alessia Sanna & Alexandre Weisser (artists) : Space and arts
- Alix de Beusscher (Aerospace Lab) : Robotics satellite engineering
- Elisa Tasev (Royal Observatory of Belgium) : Planetary Defense
Universities involved
University of Namur
University of Luxembourg
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Profile and prerequisites
Bachelor (all years), Master’s, and PhD levels.
Entry-level activity to space topics, from scientific, technological to arts and societal aspects Broad range from Bachelor to PhD ; accessible to both STEM and non-STEM profiles
Teaching language(s)
Teaching modalities
Online synchronous (3 sessions before the physical mobility)
Student mobility
Student mobility from April 21 to 27, 2025, in Namur
Organisation of student evaluation
Group concept study on a fictitious space mission (2024: Asteroid mining during Apophis 2029 closest approach) Statement given in the last preparatory remote session ; working sessions scheduled during the school; final presentation on the last day of the school
The course is open to students from these universities
Open to all
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
UFOtherness and Conspiracy Narratives
- Analysis of the narrative interplay between factual reporting and fictional storytelling in human-alien encounters.
- Exploration of the line between engaging science fiction and controversial conspiracy theories that shape public perceptions of space.
- Comparative study of how various space programs, both public and private, envision interactions with extraterrestrial cultures, referred to as exocultures.
We aim to uncover the role these narratives play within societal discourse and examine the psychological motivations behind belief systems such as conspiracy theories relating to Earth and outer space, such as Flat Earth theory or Raelian beliefs.
The course emphasizes practical engagement through project work. Students will have opportunities to conduct field research, participate in interviews, and produce content in diverse formats such as podcasts, films, and theater productions. This program is particularly focused on engaging students from Romance, German, and English-speaking countries, fostering a rich, multicultural dialogue on these pressing topics.
Dates of the course
9 October 2024 to 15 January 2025
- Rolf Kailuweit
- Florent Poupart
Profile and prerequisites
Students have to be enrolled in the first year of a Master programme (min M1) to enrol in the course.
Language skills: English B1 and French B1 are required to follow the course
Teaching language(s)
English, French
Teaching modalities
Online teaching / participation: 10h in October and November + 2h in January
Student mobility
HHU to Toulouse Second week of December
Organisation of student evaluation
Final reports (critical documentation of the student’s project, 3-4 pages)
The course is open to students from these universities
Open to all
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Mankind and the Moon. Mining 300 years of Space Exploration
The UNIVERSEH course “Mankind and the Moon. Mining 300 years of Space Exploration” explores the cultural history of space travel and more generally the moon as a cultural reference point in Early Modern, Modern and Contemporary History. Students will explore this topic based on digitised Early Modern Encyclopedias as well as Modern and Contemporary newspaper collections. Alongside lectures on the topic, student-led teams will design small-scale research projects and employ fundamental techniques for the semantic enrichment and data-driven exploration of their sources. In addition, students will explore novel techniques for content presentation in virtual worlds in collaboration with students of the BA Animation Studies at the University of Luxembourg.
The proposed seminar pursues a decidedly interdisciplinary approach, fostering collaboration across various fields to enable students to employ digital methods for the study and critical analysis of the multifaceted discourses of space exploration.
The seminar is structured into three main blocks, beginning with an introductory phase in Düsseldorf, where students receive theoretical grounding and hands-on training in using early modern encyclopaedias and digitised newspapers as historical sources. This phase emphasises the formation of interdisciplinary teams, leveraging complementary language skills to facilitate diverse research perspectives.
The second block consists of hybrid meetings featuring lectures on premodern voyages to the moon, space travel in the modern era, and digital humanities research methods. These sessions are complemented by practical training in digital tools such as Voyant Tools and the Impresso web app, enhancing students’ skills in text analysis and digital research methodologies.
In the concluding block held in Luxembourg, students will finalise and present their projects in a virtual world based on the Unreal game engine, incorporating insights from lectures, digital humanities tools, and interdisciplinary collaboration. The seminar aims to equip students with a critical understanding of the cultural history of the moon and space travel, bolstered by project management skills including science communication, writing, and text analysis.
Overall, “Mankind and the Moon. Mining 300 years of Space Exploration” not only offers a critical introduction to cultural and digital history but also contributes to the establishment of a continuous class format for critical space studies. This innovative seminar framework encourages students to continually apply a critical lens to their (inter-)disciplinary training, promoting a holistic understanding of the cultural significance of the moon and space travel throughout history.
Dates of the course
11 October 2024 to 13 December 2024
- Marten Düring
- Tobias Winnerling
- Stefan Reiners-Selbach
Profile and prerequisites
Advanced Bachelor students (3rd – 6th semester) of the historical sciences, philologies as well as students in digital humanities, media studies, and (trans-)cultural studies
Essential language skills: English level B1, German level B1
Teaching language(s)
English, German
Teaching modalities
Online 6 hybrid meetings, 14h-16.30h (including guest lectures): 18./25.10 + 8.11.; 22./29.11 + 6.12.
Student mobility
October 2024 in Düsseldorf, December 2024 in Luxembourg, exact dates to be announced
The course is open to students from these universities
Open to all
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Autumn School on Space Resources and Robotics
The Autumn School on Space Resources and Robotics is a course for Master’s (second cycle) students from different academic fields from all UNIVERSEH partners. It is aimed at students with the foundation knowledge mathematics, physics, and engineering who are interested in the topics of space resources and space robotics.
The course focuses on:
- Application of Space Robots
- Space Robot Design and Operations
- Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control in Space Robotics
- Main Problems of Planetary and Orbital Robotics
- AI in Space Robotics
- Space Geology
- Cross-cultural Collaboration Skills
The first week of the course is realised in person on campus at the AGH University of Krakow. During this week, students listen to lectures, participate in workshops, and other activities. The week also includes a walking tour of Krakow, a visit to the Wieliczka Salt Mine, and sessions with representatives of AGH student research clubs. During the next two weeks students meet on-line with their School team members and work on a team project.
The learning outcomes are assessed through assignments and the project.
Dates of the course
12 November 2024 to 16 November 2024
- Tadeusz Uhl
- Anna Krukiewicz-Gacek
- Jakub Ciążela
- Karol Seweryn
- Kazuya Yoshida
- Tomasz Buratowski
- Miguel Mendez
Universities involved
AGH University of Science and Technology
Luleå University of Technology
University of Luxembourg
Profile and prerequisites
- Master’s level
- The candidates are expected to have some background in mathematics, physics and engineering. Ideal candidates are students interested in exploring the topics of geology, automatics, robotics, and space exploration and improving their soft skills.
- English level B2 or higher
Teaching language(s)
Teaching modalities
On campus + online synchronous before and after the school, asynchronous learning resources and optional tasks. Online learning will take place one week before and two weeks after this period, with asynchronous resources and optional tasks available.
Student mobility
Student mobility from November 12 to 16, 2024, in Krakow.
The course is open to students from these universities
Open to students who can make a short mobility in November 12-16 ,2024 Kraków
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.
Creative Space Challenge24
The Creative Space Challenge24 will bring together doctoral students from partner institutions in the UNIVERSEH project.
Through thematic conferences, workshops and design fiction techniques, participants will craft innovative projects that will be evaluated by an expert jury made up of researchers and industrial members of the consortium.
This first edition will focus on two themes: global health in space and sustainability in space!
Themes :
- Global health of astronauts
- Space sustainability
Targets : 15-30 Doctoral students from all the partners of UNIVERSEH
Overview of the content:
- 3H45 OF CONFERENCES : To discover new topics ; To communicate critical information to teammates ; To participate to the animation of a round table.
- +20H OF WORKSHOPS : To work on an innovative project creation through a design fiction approach that will solve a specific future problem
- 2H45 OF SOFTSKILLS WORKSHOP AND TEAMBUILDING EXERCISES : To create a strong link and synergies in-between participants ; To improve knowledges, know-how and self-know.
- 2 ON SITE VISITS (TBC) : CNES & MEDES, To gain new information and to transfer it to their own projects.
- NETWORKING AND CONVIVIALITY : To create meeting opportunities and let the people met each other in informal events.
- FINAL CHALLENGE : To emulate a competition and stimulate their competitive spirit.
Dates of the course
25 November 2024 to 29 November 2024
- Pascal Maussion (INP)
- Magdalena Teissandier (TBS)
- Jurgen Knödleseder (UT3)
- Safouane Hamdi (UT3)
- Vsevolod Peysakhovich (ISAE Supaero)
- Adam Walters (UT3)
- Laure Cazajous-Augé (UT2J) Cordula Barzantny (TBS)
- Shahla Ameri de Rinaldi (TBS)
- Ugo Bonnet (PDG Spaceflight Institude)
- Aristée Thévenon (MEDES)
- Jean-Marie Barbiche (UT3)
- Mahulena Hofmann (
- Toulouse INP – ENSEEIHT
- Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III (UT3)
- University of Toulouse ISAE-SUPAERO
- Luleå University of Technology
- University of Luxembourg
- Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
- University of Namur
- University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
- AGH University of Science and Technology
Profile and prerequisites
The course is open to all doctoral students and post-doctoral students The first edition will focus on the global health of astronauts and sustainability in space. The research subjects and skills of the participants should be able to overlap with these themes. Interdisciplinarity will be strongly encouraged.
Teaching language(s)
Teaching modalities
On-campus (conferences, workshops, on site visits).
Student mobility
One week mobility in Toulouse from 25 to 29 Novembre 2024.
Organisation of student evaluation
Project assessment jury.
The course is open to students from these universities
Open to all students who meet the entry requirements (doctoral or post-doctoral student, research topic compatible with the themes of the event).
How to apply?
Apply through local contacts at each university.
3 ECTS Credits
To view the course on Moodle, you need to log in as a guest or with your account if you have one.