
Space Systems Engineering Research Group (“SpaSys”) created at University of Luxembourg

The University of Luxembourg’s interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) has launched a new research group dedicated to Space Systems Engineering. The group is headed by Prof. Andreas Hein and is focusing on disruptive future space systems.

Prof. Andreas Hein: “SpaSys is exploring three interrelated topic areas. The first area is miniaturised space systems. We will be working on extremely small space systems – ones that are the size of a credit card – called ChipSats. We’ll also be working on CubeSats, as well as exploring how these two can function in swarms or formations. The second area will be on space-based services, or collaborative space systems. The internet exploded in popularity because we have so many services that we can rely on – and so we’d like to explore the possibility of having similar, collaborative infrastructures that can prepare new services in space. Possible examples include data centres, as well as communications or resource infrastructure in space. The third area is space manufacturing and in-situ resource utilisation, to drastically expand what we can do in space.”

View more info on the project.