Fri 13 May
12.00 - 15.00
University of Luxembourg, Belval Campus, Auditorium 3.330, Maison du Savoir

Astronaut visit in Luxembourg

In the framework of ‘UNIVERSEH European University’ student activities, University of Luxembourg organises a visit of a Romanian cosmonaut Dumitru Dorin Prunariu. On 14 May 1981 Dorin Prunariu flew in space aboard the Soyuz 40 spacecraft and the Salyut 6 space laboratory and stayed eight days on Salyut 6 space station.

Dorin Prunariu is the former president of the Romanian Space Agency, the former president of the Association of Space Explorers, the former chairman of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, the  vice-chair of the UN working group on the Space 2030 Agenda. Currently he is the vice-president of the Asteroid Foundation and the chair of the Global Expert Group on Sustainable Lunar Activities (GEGSLA) within the Moon Village Association.

Mr Prunariu will give a presentation on his experience and on the future space programmes focused on the Moon. Participants will have the opportunity to interact directly with the astronaut. This event will help to deepen insight into space-based activities and human spaceflight.