KrakowStaff week
Mon 9 Sep
- Wed 11 Sep
AGH University of Krakow, Poland

Staff Week : university staff assisting students in career planning

AGH University of Krakow invites you to "Staff Week", which will  take place from 9 to 11 September 2024 at AGH University of Krakow. The event is intended for university staff assisting students in career planning.

Application deadline: 18th June 2024.

Provisionnal agenda


Monday, 9th of September


  • Registration
  • Welcome Coffee & Networking
  • Staff Week Opening
  • “Career Planning for Students – How Do You Do It?”

Collaborative session for participants to present their universities’
activities aimed at  student career development, compare approaches, and
discuss shared and unique challenges


13:30 – 16:30 Krakow City Tour


Tuesday, 10th of September


  • Coffee & Networking
  • Presentation of AGH Career Centre Activities
  • Resources for Supporters – presentations and discussion


  • Workshop : “Candidates for the Space Industry and How to Find Them”
  • Tour of the campus
  • Integration Dinner


Wednesday, 11th of September


  • Coffee & Networking
  • “Entrepreneuring Student Career in Academia” Models, tools, and case studies

Workshop conducted by experts from Centre for Cooperation and Technology

Transfer, Academic Entrepreneurship Department, and INNOAGH SPV (AGH
University of Krakow SPV)


  • Closing Session
  • Certificate Ceremony

Download provisonnal agenda

To register, please fill in the online registration form by 18th June 2024 : Register here